Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just in from Sandi...

Mike is now in room 840 and his phone number
is 917-5840.

He will still be in the hospital for some time.
He has pulled muscles on the left side of his
chest; quite painful.

Thank you all for continuing to keep Mike and Sandi in your prayers and encouraging him with your cards and visits.

Monday, April 27, 2009

As noted, Mike is back in the hospital. He is in Room 835. Apparently, he was experiencing extreme pain in his rib/torso area. They are conducting test and an MRI on this area to see if they can figure out what the problem is. The good news is that they have managed to get his pain under control. Sandi will keep us posted as she learns more.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just got an update from Sandi. Mike is back in the hospital. He is in room 835. This is all I know at this time, but I'll try to get more details in the morning. If any of you talk to Sandi before I do, please feel free to call me with an update, and I'll be sure it is posted here. You can reach me at 706.1888.

This just in from Sandi:

Mike is having a very rough weekend. He is home from his 2nd round of chemo, and it sounds like it really did a number on him. I'm sure it's almost as difficult for Sandi who feels the helplessness of being unable to relieve Mike's pain.

Sandi did want me to be sure to convey her undying gratitude for the help they received in the flooring in their house. It meant such a great deal to them both and was such a wonderful example of God's love for them through his body, the church. If you were involved in helping them, know that you not only met a practical need; you also provided a significant boost of encouragement to two people who can use all the encouragement they can get right now.

If Sandi tells you that it's not a good time to visit, don't let that discourage you from trying again later or from at least popping a note in the mail to Mike. He may not always be able to have visitors, but when he is feeling up to it, he would so love it. I've posted their address on the left-hand side so that you can write to Mike if you'd like.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just got word from Sandi that Mike was supposed to be released from the hospital this morning (Saturday). I'll let you know if I hear more about how he is doing. Do call Sandi if you would like to go visit him. Visits are very much appreciated.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Barry went to see Mike yesterday and brings this report. It was a rough week. The first few days of chemo were very painful, but Mike is better now and very much wanting visitors! Please DO drop in to see him. It is very encouraging to him to see your faces.

He will be in the hospital at least until Saturday. If you want to be sure before you visit, just call Sarasota Memorial and ask. Mike is in room 843.

Mike wants to tell everyone about how God has met him in such a remarkable way throughout this ordeal. He says that he has known God's nearness in a powerful way, and it is almost overwhelming. His words bring hope to us all that even in the darkest places, God is not only there, but he walks before, behind, beside and in us. What a comfort!

Monday, April 20, 2009

This morning, Monday, April 20th, Mike returns to the hospital for a 2nd round of treatments. Yesterday, he was in church. Yes, he was in a wheelchair. Yes, he was weak. Yes, he was tired. But he was there, and it brought him joy to be there.

Mike spoke to us, with that mischievous twinkle in his eye, of his desire for prayer. "Just tell everyone to keep on their schedule of prayer." Then he added, "Maybe tell them to bump it up a bit." Hear that, saints? Bump up the prayer schedule for Mike!

He tells anyone who will listen of how surprised he has been by the way God has drawn him closer to himself. I commented to him, "You've been to the dark place and found out that God was there." And he look straight at me and said, "Oh he's there alright. You can believe that!"

I asked if perhaps we could bring a group of musicians to come and sing at his house, but Sandi shared that he is extremely fragile right now, and it would just be too much. Indeed, Barry and I visited yesterday, and Mike appeared to be very tired. Of course, the medication makes him very sleepy too.

Of course, this is as hard on Sandi as Mike. She has so many decisions to make right now, so much of a load to carry by herslef, and so many strange emotions to deal with. Mike was in the hospital for 30 days! Now he's going back for another 5 or 6 days. It's tough to wake up each day to this reality and simply to his absence while he's under treatment.

If you want to visit Mike this week while he's under treatment, he is on the 8th floor of Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Please don't bring food or plants, and though we love Mike, refrain from the kisses too. (I know this is a big disappointment to all the guys out there! ;)

Sandi could use all the encouragement she can get too. I recommend we pray for her as much as Mike and look for ways to encourage her.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Crazy Guitar Man on Easter!

Good news! Mike came home from the hospital on Friday. On Saturday night, he was actually in church, wailing away on that guitar! He would have come on Sunday to do the same if we hadn't all said, "Stop!" "Get some rest!" But we were all truly blessed to see him there and to see him take such joy in the musical gifts that God has given him. He said that he prayed to get through the infection he was fighting so that he could be in church for Easter. He credits God for hearing and answering that prayer.

Mike is resting now at Sandi's mother's house while Sandi is reorganizing their house. They had to rip up all the old carpet, due to a mold issue, and some guys from church came and helped them install new wood floors! Sandi said she has really been blessed at the way people have pitched in to help and have been such an encouragement to them both.

Sandi MAY need help putting the house back in order, but she said she's okay for now and will keep us posted. She promised to yell "uncle" if she does need help getting things back into place and ready for Mike to come home.

Keep them in your prayers, and know that Mike is blessed by everyone's love.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today's message from Sandi:

"Mike is getting out of the hospital in the morning and then we have to go to the county health dept to meet with a doctor.

You could put on the blog about Mike being released on Fri morning. People should call first before coming to visit. The first few days at home will be chaotic!!

Mike is planning on playing at church Sat eve and Sun morn! I don't know how he can manage, but that's up to him."

What can I say? Mike is one stubborn dude! We love ya, Mike!
A few updates from Sandi:
Thank you all again for your visits. As Mike is now undergoing chemo, there are a few things you should know about visiting. Please don't bring food as his diet is being monitored. Please be sure to wash your hands before you come into his room, and as much as he loves your affection, no kisses and hugs right now. His immune level is quite low and he's fighting infection. Obviously, if you have a cold or other illness, you should just give him a call or send a note rather than visit.

Sandi is busy as can be trying to get their home prepared for Mike to come home. They are trying to get him home this week. Sandi is also running around doing all kinds of insurance and disability paperwork. As you can imagine, she has her hands full.

Mike would really love to come to church this weekend, but I suppose that depends on his immune levels. Do continue to pray for Mike's healing and for Sandi's strength.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I got a note from Sandi over the weekend. She asked me to please convey their gratitude for all the visits. They really do go a long way to cheer Mike and encourage them both. I will try to contact Sandi tomorrow to get more details on Mike's condition so that I can update you a little more. If you have a chance, do drop by to visit Mike.