Friday, July 24, 2009

Celebrating the Ultimate Blues Journey

Mike once told me he loved the blues because it is ultimately about triumph. Although the blues acknowledge the hardships of life, Mike saw the music itself as a victory over those tough times.

But Mike knew that the ultimate victory was not even about the music. I remember asking him once about how he became a Christian. He told me of a man who was going door to door to pray with people and tell them about the story of Jesus. Mike had lots of questions. He said that this man opened his Bible and took the time to show Mike the answers. And Mike believed. He said, "I've never been the same."

Over the course of his Christian walk, Mike came to understand that while the blues thrilled him, his ultimate blues journey was all about knowing the very Creator of all music itself. That became very real to him in his last days as he would often talk about how near God was to him, and how precious that nearness came to be.

He also continue to take great joy in making music for the Lord. He insisted on playing, even when those of us who loved him wanted him to save his strength. He, like David, literally played with all of his strength to honor God. I think if he had had the strength to dance like David danced, he would have done that too.

On July 19th, a service was held at Covenant Life to celebrate Mike's life and his ultimate blues journey right into the arms of his Maker. About 200 people attended, including friends, family, and his church family. Sandi would like for everyone to know how thankful she is for the lovely words and music that were provided, as well as the beautiful reception afterwards. She recognizes that many hands went into making everything happen. She and the entire family are very grateful for the loving support of friends and family.

I found a few more pictures of Mike from the last few years at church. Enjoy these. And stay in touch with Sandi as she continues her own journey without Mike but with all of us to walk with her.

1 comment:

  1. I had the honor of standing (actually sitting, because of my feet) at the side of Mike Sinn for over three years as the bass player in a small band we were trying to get going. Our third man, Mike Pignotti, was the drummer, as well as a lead/backup singer and one of our writers of Christian tunes. Our wives also got involved as backup singers and occasional lead vocalists. We had good fellowship and fun in the Lord until I got diagnosed with lung cancer back in August 2006. The next three years were some of the hardest in my life, and I called on Mike S. to help me on a couple of occasions because my wife was also too sick at that time to help me much. He jumped right in and helped me out a couple of times and Sandi even drove me home from the Hospital once. Mike gave and gave; whether it was an encoraging word, a handshake, or that little half-smile with a twinkle in his eye that said he really "dug" what you were saying or feeling. He was pretty handy at practical things too and always seemed to have some kind of "home improvement" project going on.

    A few nights when Mike P. couldn't make our scheduled practices, Mike S. and I got together and he got a chance to play his Dobro while I played guitar and we had great jams, just doing some new and old Christian and gospel tunes in a whole new way. Of course, we had a chance to bat around some good conversation on Christian topics too. He was always so positive--there was never any question with Mike as to whom he believed in and what he believed--it was Jesus all the way and he spoke it out as well as let it show in his life. He rarely had any real complaints except when the pressures of his job were basically intolerable---most of us would have withered under the physical load he was called on to carry many times. And he rarely had a bad word to say about anyone, he was one of the least likely to gossip of anyone I have met, even many Christians (or so-called Christians).

    My wife, Lisa, went home to be with the Lord last October after many years of failing health. I am shocked and grieved that not only she, but now Mike have left us so close together. The last time I talked to Mike he was still praising Jesus and ready to make plans to play again "when I'm up to it". That kind of enthusiasm for life is hard to beat. Someone told me that Mike had said "either way, I win" when talking about life or death. But, as I said, that was Mike, always positive.

    Losing our dear brother has left a large void in many lives, not the least of which is Sandi's. I pray that God's peace can to comfort her and all the others touched by this sad event. He is indeed home now, in a world of no suffering or pain and unending joy in the presence of our Creator. I'm pretty sure he's got a new praise band going already and wouldn't be surprised if he's got Lisa singing backup too!

    So long to our much-loved and ever-loving gentle giant, Mike Sinn. We'll see you again brother.
